ActivityHD Accounts Receivable supports tracking of customer sales and payments and provides the tools you need to effectively manage cash flow.
Initial setup of Accounts Receivable
First Things First
General Ledger Setup
GL Accounts
Set up the GL accounts your company needs to accurately record receivables, sales, cost of sales, and inventory due to Accounts Receivable activity.
Evaluate your existing accounts to determine whether you need to add accounts for the following categories:
- Accounts Receivable
- Sales
- Cost of Sales
- Inventory
- Sales Tax Liability
- Bank Accounts
- Discounts Given
- Adjustments (to receipts)
In addition, you may need to consider accounts in the following categories to handle unapplied payments:
- Deferred Revenue
- Unearned Income
GL Calendars
For each calendar used to control posting to General Ledger, package-specific posting controls can be defined by period. Be sure to consider whether package-specific posting controls are needed to control postings from AR to GL by period.
If recurring invoices will be set up in Accounts Receivable, GL calendars are associated with the recurring invoices to determine how often they are posted/processed. Ensure that you have GL calendars defined to support the frequencies of any recurring invoices that will be created.
Attributes provide additional ways to categorize invoices for reporting. Attributes can also supply the GL accounts used during invoice posting. Invoices can be classified with customizable attributes. Attributes can determine segment(s) of GL accounts and they allow revenue tracking in a different way than revenue types.
Bank Reconciliation Setup
Set up the bank account(s) needed to record receipt activity that will be reconciled in Bank Reconciliation. When the receipt journal entry is merged in GL, bank transactions are created in Bank Reconciliation for Accounts Receivable receipt activity that is tied to a bank account.
Accounts Receivable Setup
The following types of records need to be defined in the Accounts Receivable package:
Salespersons can be defined and assigned to invoices to indicate who has primary responsibility for a sale. A default salesperson can be assigned on each customer and customer location to provide a default salesperson at invoice entry time.
Customer Tax Categories
Customer tax categories group customers for taxability and tax reporting. By default, all customers are considered taxable. Define customer tax categories to assign nontaxable status to certain groups of customers. Taxable customer tax categories can be defined to group customers for tax reporting.
Item Tax Categories
Item tax categories group ARCodes for taxability and tax reporting. By default, all ARCodes are considered taxable. Define item tax categories to assign nontaxable status to certain groups of ARCodes. Taxable item tax categories can be defined to group ARCodes for tax reporting.
Tax Entities
Tax entities are used to compute the sales tax your company must remit to the various tax jurisdictions which affect your company's operations.
Tax Rates
Tax rates can be defined for each level in a tax entity's hierarchy. Each tax rate has an effective date and standard rate (defined as a percentage).
Tax Rate Detail
Tax rate detail can be defined to describe exceptions to a tax rate including:
- Overrides to the default taxability of customer tax categories and/or item tax categories.
- Overrides to the standard tax rate based on customer tax category and/or item tax category.
- Designations of report categories for the Tax Liability Report based on customer tax category and/or item tax category.
Customer Locations
Customer locations are locations where a customer conducts business. Locations can be specified for most operations in Accounts Receivable. A customer can have multiple locations. Locations can be designated as primary, invoice, and/or statement location for a given customer. In addition to typical address and phone information, delivery preferences (print or email) can be specified on invoice and statement locations.
Customer Contacts
Customer contacts are the people associated with a customer with whom your company has a specialized contact relationship.
Customer Classes
Customer classes are used to group customers for reporting and/or billing purposes. Each customer can belong to one customer class. To get the most out of reporting capabilities, group your customers into meaningful classes. The following reports can be run for a particular customer class:
- Statements
- Aged Invoice Analysis
- AR Invoice Payment Analysis
- AR Invoices Listing
- AR Receipts Listing
Customer classes can also be used to specify GL account masks for groups of customers. The following account masks can be specified:
- Receivables
- Sales
- Cost
- Inventory
AR Note Types
Notes can be used to record comments about various Accounts Receivables entities. Note types are used to organize notes. A note type is required on every note entered.
Payment Terms
Payment terms are predefined early payment discount and due date rules. Payment terms can be based on the invoice date or on the end-of-month date. Default payment terms can be assigned to customers. When a customer is selected on an invoice, the default payment terms for the customer load on the invoice.
ARCodes are assigned to the detail lines on an AR invoice. ARCodes provide the following functions:
- Categorize the detail line for reporting.
- Provide GL account masks for deriving GL account numbers for sales, cost, and inventory accounts.
- Control whether the detail line is subject to sales tax.
- Control whether the detail line is eligible for discount.
Invoice Schemes
Invoice schemes designate the starting number for sequential numbering of invoices as well as the format for invoice numbers. Invoice schemes are assigned to invoice types. Invoice types categorize invoices. If an invoice scheme is not assigned to an invoice type, invoices of that type must be manually numbered.
Invoice Types
Invoice types are used to categorize invoices and perform the following functions:
- Categorize invoices for reporting.
- Classify invoices as credit, charge, or finance charge.
- Control the GL posting financial sign (debit/credit).
- Provide default settings for new invoices (Print Invoice flag, GL batch name, AR account number).
- Specify that invoices must be cash only.
- Specify an invoice scheme for automatic invoice numbering.
Some of the invoice types you may need include: Invoice, Finance Charge, Credit Memo, Debit Memo, Return.
Finance Methods
Finance methods are user-defined calculation rules for assessing finance charges on past due invoices. Finance methods can be based on the invoice date or the due date and a grace period can be applied. A default finance method can be specified on customer records so that when an invoice is created for a customer, the customer's finance method loads by default on the invoice.
Statement Types
Statement types determine the format of a statement (balance forward or open item). Statement types can also be used for grouping customers for statement generation. For instance, you might group customers by the statement format they should receive or by the frequency in which they should receive a statement.
Customers are the principal entity of the Accounts Receivable package. Each customer record represents your company's relationship with a single customer. From a customer record, you can access the customer's historical invoices, receipts, and statements as well as information about the customer's locations and contacts.
Deposit Types
Deposit types group deposits to facilitate bank reconciliation. A deposit type provides the default GL batch name and bank account that loads on all receipts for its deposits. If you separate cash and check deposits from MasterCard and Visa deposits, you would need to create deposit types for each one so that the appropriate bank transactions are created. Possible deposit types include: Cash/Checks, MC/Visa, AMEX, Lockbox, PayPal.
Receipt Types
Receipt types are assigned to receipts to provide the following functions:
- Categorize receipts for reporting.
- Classify receipts as cash, check, credit card, collapsed, or other.
- Determine valid deposit types.
- Determine if a deposit is required.
- Specify an optional receipt reference.
Possible receipt types include: cash, check, MC/Visa, AMEX, EFT.
Recurring Invoices
Recurring invoices provide the information that ActivityHD needs for invoices that are generated on a regular basis. Each recurring invoice has a calendar which determines how often an invoice is generated and an effective date range which determines the time frame over which invoice creation is valid.
Summary Types
Summary types are only available if the Summary Invoice interface is enabled. Summary types determine which transactions are summarized, which customer receives the summary invoice, and how summary invoices are numbered.
How Accounts Receivable interfaces with General Ledger
ActivityHD does not have a "Post AR to GL" process. Instead, each invoice and receipt is recognized in GL when it is merged to GL. Journal entries can be left unmerged indefinitely, allowing most GL accounts to be changed on merged invoices and receipts. Once a journal entry is merged to GL, the invoices and receipts referenced on the journal entry are locked to prevent further changes.
The AR account on an invoice cannot be changed once a payment (receipt) against the invoice is merged.
Accounts Receivable affords great flexibility in defining how receivables activity is recorded in General Ledger. You can define GL account masks on objects such as customer, customer class, ARCode, and attributes. Account masks are applied in a predefined order to determine the GL accounts on the journal entry. For users with appropriate security privileges, GL accounts can also be specified at invoice and receipt entry time.
As invoices are merged, journal entries are created in General Ledger. How these journal entries are made is controlled by the GL control setting on the invoice type. The following table delineates the entries made based on the GL control setting on the invoice type:
GL control setting | Debit or Credit | Account | Amount |
Debit AR, Credit Sales | Debit | Accounts Receivable | Invoice Amount |
Credit | Sales Tax Liability | Invoice Sales Tax Amount | |
Credit | Sales | Invoice Detail Amount | |
Debit | Cost of Sales | Invoice Detail Cost | |
Credit | Inventory | Invoice Detail Cost | |
Credit AR, Debit Sales | Credit | Accounts Receivable | Invoice Amount |
Debit | Sales Tax Liability | Invoice Sales Tax Amount | |
Debit | Sales | Invoice Detail Amount | |
Credit | Cost of Sales | Invoice Detail Cost | |
Debit | Inventory | Invoice Detail Cost | |
Positive Amounts | Debit (if amount is positive)/Credit (if amount is negative) | Accounts Receivable | Invoice Amount |
Credit (if amount is positive)/Debit (if amount is negative) | Sales Tax Liability | Invoice Sales Tax Amount | |
Credit (if amount is positive)/Debit (if amount is negative) | Sales | Invoice Detail Amount | |
Debit (if amount is positive)/Credit (if amount is negative) | Cost of Sales | Invoice Detail Cost | |
Credit (if amount is positive)/Debit (if amount is negative) | Inventory | Invoice Detail Cost |
Accounts Receivable Account
The entire Accounts Receivable account is derived from the account masks specified at the following levels in the order listed:
- Invoice type
- Attribute item(s) (in reverse display order)
- Customer
- Customer class
Sales Tax Liability Account
The entire Sales Tax Liability account is derived from the account masks specified at the following levels in the order listed:
- Attribute item(s) (in reverse display order)
- Invoice tax entity
You may want to have separate tax liability accounts for each tax jurisdiction. For instance, in Canada you may want to track General Sales Tax (GST) and Provincial Sales Tax (PST) in separate tax liability accounts. In Louisiana, you may want different liability accounts for each parish since taxes are remitted to them individually. On the other hand, you may prefer the simplicity of using a single tax liability account for all tax entities.
Sales Account
The entire Sales account is derived from the account masks specified at the following levels in the order listed:
- ARCode
- Attribute item(s) (in reverse display order)
- Customer
- Customer class
Cost of Sales Account
The entire Cost of Sales account is derived from the account masks specified at the following levels in the order listed:
- ARCode
- Attribute item(s) (in reverse display order)
- Customer
- Customer class
Inventory Account
The entire Inventory account is derived from the account masks specified at the following levels in the order listed:
- ARCode
- Attribute item(s) (in reverse display order)
- Customer
- Customer class
As receipts are merged, journal entries are created in General Ledger. The journal entry made as a result of the receipt posting is described in the following table:
Debit or Credit | Account | Amount |
Debit | Bank Account | Receipt Amount |
Debit | Discount Account | Discount Amount(s) from Receipt Detail |
Debit | Adjustment Account | Adjustment Amount(s) from Receipt Detail |
Credit | Accounts Receivable Account | Payment Amount from Receipt Detail |
Bank Account
The bank account is specified on the receipt at receipt entry time. If the receipt is tied to a deposit, the bank account from the deposit is automatically used. Each deposit inherits the bank account from its deposit type.
If the receipt is not tied to a deposit, one of the following methods is used to determine the bank account:
- Use the bank account assigned to the receipt type.
- Use the bank account that defaults from the Options dialog box for receipts.
- Manually enter a bank account on the receipt (if the user has "Accounts" permission for the Receipts window).
Discount Account
The discount account is specified on the receipt at receipt entry time. The discount account can default from the Options dialog box or can be entered manually on the receipt (if the user has "Accounts" permission for the Receipts window).
Adjustment Account
The adjustment account is specified on the receipt at receipt entry time. The adjustment account can default from the Options dialog box or can be entered manually on the receipt (if the user has "Accounts" permission for the Receipts window).
Accounts Receivable Account
The Accounts Receivable account comes from the invoice associated with the payment on the receipt detail line.
Validate GL function
ActivityHD provides a validation process for invoices and receipts which allows changes to account masks/settings at the various available levels. These changes are subsequently applied to the affected invoices and receipts (where changes are still allowed). The following table shows the account masks/settings that can be changed:
Area | Account Masks/Settings |
Invoice type | Receivables account |
ARCode | Sales account Cost account Inventory account |
Tax entity | Sales tax account |
Attribute items | Receivables account Sales account Cost account Inventory account Sales tax account |
Customer | Receivables account Sales account Cost account Inventory account |
Customer class | Receivables account Sales account Cost account Inventory account |
Deposit | Bank account |
If accounts on an invoice have been manually overridden, the overridden fields are not affected by the validation process. Manual overrides are designated in purple in the AR Invoice window.